Vision Disorders

Common vision problems. The most common vision problems are refractive errors, more commonly known as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia. Refractive errors occur when the shape of the eye prevents light from focusing directly on the retina.



yopia or “nearsightedness” is a vision disorder that occurs when the cornea is too curved or the eye is too long. This causes light to focus in front of the retina, resulting in blurry distance vision. Myopia is a hereditary condition that is very common. It normally starts to appear between the ages of eight and twelve years old, and almost always before the age of twenty. As the body ages, the condition often worsens. Myopia typically stabilizes in adulthood.

Symptoms of Myopia:

Blurry distance vision.

Diagnosing Myopia

Myopia may be detected in a child by observing their difficulty in seeing the television, chalkboard or during a school eye screening. To properly detect myopia, it is recommended you have your child’s eyes examined routinely by an optometrist.

Treating Myopia

If you or your child has myopia, glasses and contact lenses may be used for temporary treatment. There are also several procedures such as LASIK performed at Infinity Eye Care Center that can surgically reduce or eliminate myopia.

To schedule your routine eye exam or free LASIK consultation at The Infinity Eye Care Center, please call (92) 344-2593661 or (92) 213-5865220 today.




yperopia or “farsightedness” occurs when the cornea is too flat, causing light to focus at a point beyond the retina. This results in blurry near vision. Occasionally, blurry distance vision will occur as well when suffering from farsightedness. Because the young eye can compensate for this condition, it may not be detected until later in life.

Symptoms of Hyperopia:

Blurry near vision and occasional blurry distance vision.

Diagnosing Hyperopia

A complete eye exam is necessary to diagnose hyperopia. Since these tests are not offered at school, you should have your child’s eyes examined routinely by an eye health provider. The professionals at Infinity Eye Care Center can conduct a refractive evaluation to determine whether your eyes focus light rays exactly on the retina at distance and near. A visual acuity test will determine your ability to see sharply and clearly at all distances. During your examination, we will also check your eye coordination and muscle control, as well as your eyes’ ability to change focus. All of these are important factors in how your eyes see.

Treating Hyperopia

If you or your child has hyperopia, glasses and contact lenses may be used for temporary treatment. There are also several procedures such as LASIK performed at Infinity Eye Care Center that can surgically reduce or eliminate hyperopia.

To schedule your routine eye exam or free LASIK consultation at The Infinity Eye Care Center, please call (92) 344-2593661 or (92) 213-5865220 today.



ith normal vision, we can focus on objects very close to our faces, as well as those very far away. We also have the luxury of changing our focus easily from near to far. However, as we age, this becomes increasingly difficult. By the time we reach our forties, we may need glasses or even bifocals to read or to focus on objects close-up. This condition is called presbyopia.

In its early stages, presbyopia may go unnoticed. The change is recognized only when the loss of elasticity impairs vision to a noticeable degree.

Symptoms of Presbyopia:

  • Blurry vision that starts after the age of 40.
  • Difficulty adjusting focus when switching from near to distance vision.
  • Eyes that tire easily.
  • Headaches when doing close-up work.
  • Diagnosing Presbyopia

    All comprehensive examinations at Infinity Eye Care Center will include testing for presbyopia. Our doctors and technicians can conduct a refractive evaluation to determine whether your eyes focus light rays exactly on the retina at distance and near. A visual acuity test will determine your ability to see sharply and clearly at all distances. We will also check your eye coordination and muscle control, as well as your eyes’ ability to change focus. All of these are important factors in how your eyes see, and each is reviewed by our doctors to assist them in customizing solutions specific to your results and needs.

    Treating Presbyopia

    Reading glasses and contact lenses are used by many patients for temporary treatment of presbyopia. However, there are a number of vision correction procedures, such as monovision LASIK, performed at Infinity Eye Care Center that can surgically reduce or eliminate the effects of presbyopia.

    To schedule your routine eye exam or free LASIK consultation at The Infinity Eye Care Center, please call (92) 344-2593661 or (92) 213-5865220 today.




stigmatism occurs when the cornea is shaped like a football (more curved in one direction than the other) and often occurs in combination with myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness). This causes light to focus in more than one point on the retina, resulting in blurry and distorted vision.

Symptoms of Astigmatism:

  • Blurry and distorted vision at all distances.
  • Difficulty adjusting your focus when switching from near to distance vision.
  • Treating Astigmatism

    If you or your child suffers from astigmatism, glasses and contact lenses may be used for temporary treatment. There are also several procedures such as LASIK performed at Infinity Eye Care Center that can surgically reduce or eliminate astigmatism.

    To schedule your routine eye exam or free LASIK consultation at The Infinity Eye Care Center, please call (92) 344-2593661 or (92) 213-5865220 today.